Student experience

Updated April 28, 2020, 4:49 p.m.

What alternatives are being considered to deliver a quality Summer Welcome program now that it has been transitioned to an online program?

MU is working hard to take the spirit and functionality of this event online for the safety of all involved. For the most up-to-date information, please visit the Summer Welcome webpage.

How is the university serving its international student population during this time?

Of the more than 6,000 students living in MU’s residence halls a month ago, only about 200 remain, and some are our international students who needed to stay here for their safety and to continue their education. The International Center has been reaching to all of our international students to make sure they are safe and their needs are met.

When will a decision to be made about the fall semester?

MU continues to work in consultation with the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services and MU Health Care to monitor the COVID-19 situation. The university expects to be operational in the fall and is making plans to ensure policies and practices upon our in-person return provide safety precautions and policies suggested by public health officials.

For the most up-to-date information, please visit MU Alert.

What is Mizzou doing to continue to support marginalized groups and populations targeted because of COVID-19?

The University of Missouri remains committed to building a sustained, diverse and inclusive environment – be it in person or virtually. The Division of Inclusion, Diversity and Equity (IDE) is working to embody these ideals through this crisis. The office remains open and has adjusted and adapted its methods to ensure a safe, supportive and welcoming community for all.

Anyone in the campus community who has witnessed or experienced any type of discrimination should report it to the Office for Civil Rights & Title IX. This office is operating remotely and is able to take reports, provide services and be a resource to all university constituents in a private and confidential manner. It is also able to track recorded discrimination on campus and identify patterns that help the university maintain a safe and inclusive environment overall.

In addition, the university’s social justice centers have created virtual spaces for students to keep them connected and engaged. IDE continues to partner with the Teaching for Learning Center, the International Center, the Center for Academic Success and Excellence and others to ensure inclusivity during MU’s period of remote instruction, as well as build professional development opportunities that center on national issues related to COVID-19, such as xenophobia.

How are we making sure we support all of our students and their unique needs at this time?

The Division of Inclusion, Diversity and Equity (IDE) continues to actively foster a living, learning and working community where everyone is valued and inspired to reach their full potential. The university’s social justice centers have created virtual spaces for students to keep them connected and engaged. IDE also continues to partner with the Teaching for Learning Center, the International Center, the Center for Academic Success and Excellence and others to ensure inclusivity during MU’s period of remote instruction.

Please visit this web page for more information about spaces, events and resources.

What is Mizzou doing to support graduating seniors in this difficult job market?

Mizzou provides comprehensive career development services, including programs available through individual career center offices and also through the MU Career Center, which has developed a portfolio of online programs. Students also can access, a job placement platform available to them as current students and after graduation. Our career centers are also working every day to maintain communication with companies and employers recruiting our students. We are facilitating virtual career fairs and virtual interviews, and later this spring we will conduct our annual Career Outcome survey to offer more support and build greater industry connections.

How will individual academic units provide orientation to new students and their families?
Mizzou wants all new students and their families to feel welcome and excited about becoming a part of the Tiger family. New Student Programs and staff across campus are providing virtual presentations during online sessions, on-demand video throughout the summer and live Q&A chats. Information will be disseminated during Welcome Week, too.

Students and families can learn about their academic home during their divisional orientation just as they would have if they were on campus. Academic units will be able to showcase their majors of interest, share tips for academic success, give new students and their families the opportunity to ask questions and interact with other incoming students.

My student’s belongings are still in the dormitory. Because of health reasons, we couldn’t retrieve her things by the housing refund deadline. Is there any risk of her belongings being disposed of by the university, and when is the latest date we can retrieve her belongings?

The university has not disposed of any students’ belongings left in our residence halls and is working with students and their families to find a mutually agreed upon date to retrieve belongings. The university is asking for belongings to be picked up by May 31, but that date could change to a later date based on local ordinances. To arrange a time to retrieve belongings, call 573-882-7275 or email

Will fraternity and sorority recruitment still happen at the beginning of August?

Fraternity & Sorority Life in the Division of Student Affairs is working with national office partners, including the National Panhellenic Conference, on several options.

This summer, Fraternity & Sorority Life will host live webinars for students, parents and families to find out more about our community, chat with current students and learn how to join. Registration for these webinars will go live in mid-May on the Fraternity and Sorority Life website. You can also visit the website to learn more about Mizzou fraternities and sororities.